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Xda II ROM upgrade

The latest Xda II System Software available for you to download and upgrade your Xda II device:




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Download Xda II VGA Backpack Upgrade:


If you have upgraded to the 1.72.181 Xda II UK/Irish ROM, and wish to use the VGA Backpack accessory with Clearvue PDF/PPT, you should download and install this update to the core software.

This will update the Clearvue application to directly drive the Backpack for use with an external presenter, such as a Lightpro. The update does not affect the Compact Flash port function or the battery on the Backpack.

To install the update:

1. Download the ZIP file

2. Extract the ZIP file to your PC - this will extract a file called VGA Pack Driver.exe

3. Connect your Xda II to your PC, and ensure it is connected to ActiveSync

4. Double-click the extracted file and follow the onscreen instructions